Police Lights RGB Afterburner Speed Telemetry Night Flying Servo Slower LED Brakes Relay Switch Sound Board Ordering & Shipping
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Payments Accepted
We currently accept money orders, cashier's checks, and PayPal.  Please contact us before sending a money order or cashier's check!  Checks must be made out in US dollars and clear the bank before any packages are shipped.

Email:  info@hyperdynelabs.com
Mailing address:
435 S. Snowmass Cir
Superior, CO  80027

Make  payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and  secure!

In the US:  $11 for first lb., $15 for 2 lb. - note this is based on products purchased
Fedex:  contact for rates
Canada or outside US:  $44 normal global priority, $60 for EMS global priority

NOTE:  Receipt of ordered items can take up to 2-3 weeks time.  Please be aware of this upon ordering.  This is subject to change depending on available stock!  Most of these items are hand made and take considerable time and care to finish. There is no return on electronic kits. Any returns are subject to a 25% restocking fee.

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