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RC Deluxe RGB Afterburner Kit
This deluxe kit allows you to simulate afterburner glow in anything from a large turbine to small EDF jets! Our special microprocessor controller board + RGB strip emulates the proper color changing of a real afterburner flame! The color and intensity of the AB effect is linked to the throttle position. You can also program different options including color profile of the AB effect, flicker mode, and battery type. The LED strip will work on any battery pack voltage from a 3s lipo (11.1V) up to a 8s lipo (30V). This means for EDF models the main battery can be used with no other changes.

This kit requires some assembly (soldering wires) so you can mount the custom LED ring to match your exhaust circumference.

The LED flex strip can be bent into different shapes, which can fit into atypical exhaust types like an F-22. Strip has 18 LEDs/ft. Power: 12V @ 0.36A/ft

The rigid LED ring can be mounted on the exhaust cone of an EDF or on the outside of a turbine pipe. The ring offers more brightness due to the back-firing LEDs.

Kit will fit in turbine and EDF models.

Kit Includes
Assembled afterburner LED controller board and wire harnesses

Kit Level: Beginner

Optional Lighting
Choose one of our lighting options based on your plane (or use your own):
1) 15" of LED flex strip (enough for a 4.75" diameter exhaust area)
2) 3" OD rigid LED ring (fits small/med EDFs)
3) 4.3" OD rigid LED ring (fits med/large turbines)

Demo Movies

RGB Afterburner Kit Installed in a Habu EDF (rigid 3" O.D. LED ring)
RGB Afterburner Kit Installed in an Yellow Aircraft F-16 turbine (flex LED strip)
Proto AB ring test

RGB afterburner instruction doc (PDF file)

Click image to enlarge

Kit Pricing
RGB Afterburner Controller Board only
Deluxe RGB Afterburner Controller Board - $59.00 + shipping
Afterburner Lighting Options (DOES NOT include controller board)
Rigid RGB ring - 3" OD/ 2.5" ID (fits Habu, 90mm Eurofigher, phase 3 F-16, etc) - $79.00 + shipping
Rigid RGB ring - 4.3" OD/ 3.6" ID (fits tamjets pipe, Rhino sized turbine pipe, SM 1/8 F-16, etc) - $109.00 + shipping
15" of RGB flex strip (18 LEDs/ft) - $30.00 + shipping

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