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Super Cub Night Flying LED Kit
The Super Cub Night Flying LED Kit is the definitive night lighting kit for your R/C Super Cub or other plane! The kit will allow you to fly your R/C plane during overcast skies, in daylight, dusk, or absolute darkness. We have engineered the kit to maximize lighting efficiency and to relay unambiguous information to the pilot regarding the plane's orientation while in flight.

This kit includes all lights (LEDs), cabling, and assembled processor board to finish your light kit. The lights are controlled via the X-port jack on most HobbyZone™ and Parkzone™ park flyers and has been extensively used on the Super Cub model*. The light board gets power from the port and allows you to change light modes via the X-port button on your transmitter (they are 4 different light modes to choose from).

Here is a picture of the assembled processor board w/ X-port cable and LED ribbon cable plugged into the board:

Kit Details
The night flying kit includes the following parts:

  • Assembled processor board w/ X-port cable and 16-pin header
  • 16-conductor rainbow ribbon cable w/ connector on one end
  • 4-conductor long wing ribbon cable
  • 8 red oval 5mm LEDs
  • 1 blue oval 5mm LED
  • 1 yellow cylindrical 5mm LED
  • 1 green cylindrical 5mm LED
  • 1 white LED cluster module
  • 1 red 5mm LED

You will need to complete the assembly of the lights, which requires splicing wires and soldering the LEDs to the cables. The skill level for the kit is beginner/moderate.

Kit Pricing
Super Cub Night Flying LED Kit
Light kit w/ complete processor board, cables, lights (some assembly required):
$59.00 + shipping
Temporarily out of Stock

Each kit is hand assembled in the USA.

*This model of the light kit is controlled via the X-port interface. We will soon also have a kit that works off an aux servo channel input so it can be used with any standard receiver with 3-pin servo inputs.

*X-port, HobbyZone, ParkZone are (c) Horizon Hobby.

Click images to enlarge
Movies of the kit in Action
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