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Wireless RF Speed Telemetry and Assisted Landing Device (STALD) - version 2
This kit allows you to make "carrier" like landings with your RC planes! The speed indicator kit gives the RC pilot auditory feedback on his approach speed so every landing is made at the right speed. The kit consists of a transmitter that mounts in the plane and interfaces with a standard Eagle tree speed sensor (NOT INCLUDED). The receiver unit is kept with the user and information is shared via an earbud or speaker. The RF link will inform the user of speed changes in the aircraft in real time. This setup allows the pilot to operate and see how their plane responds to speed changes without guessing.

The receiver unit has a host of features the pilot can program, including: stall speed warning, speed reporting intervals, filtering, setup for Tx/Rx channels, etc.

The transmitter will also plug and play with our flameout detection circuit. This allows turbine jet pilots to know if their plane has a flameout instantaneously. This saves precious seconds that jet pilots have to make informed decisions on how best to land their plane during a flameout. Too many times have decisions been delayed and planes lost due to not knowing that a flameout had occured in a reasonable amount of time (less than 1 sec).

This kit requires some assembly of mounting the receiver unit in an enclosure. The version 2 of this kit uses Xbee 900 MHz frequency hopping radios that do not interfere with 2.4GHz RC radios. The radios have 7 different hopping channels and many addresses to delineate users.

Kit will fit in turbine, large EDF, and prop nitro models.


  • 900MHz dual freq hopping radios with up to 9 mi range
  • Programmable speed interval reporting, speed filtering, speed readings/sec, stall speed, radio setup (hopping channel, address, Tx power).
  • Real time airspeed with stall speed warning, flameout detection
  • Rx unit has integrated sound board with programmed speed calls and audio setup cues.
  • Rx unit has vibration and audio feedback during flameout/stall
  • Tx runs off DC 5-8V
  • Rx runs off DC 6-12V

Complete Kit Includes
Assembled Tx board, assembled Rx board, black enclosure for Rx board mount, wire harnesses.
Note: Eagle Tree airspeed sensor is not included with the kit but can be purchased separately

Kit Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Demo Movies
Proto bench test of ver1 of STALD circuit

Landing Airspeed Indicator doc (PDF file)

Kit Pricing
Complete RC Landing Speed Indicator Kit
STALD complete kit (receiver and transmitter) - $399.00 + shipping
Temporarily out of Stock
Optional Parts
Flameout detection circuit (for turbines) - $39.00 + shipping
Temporarily out of Stock

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